Prayers and Mantra recitation for Peace, World Healing and Prosperity

08feb9:00 am10:00 amPrayers and Mantra recitation for Peace, World Healing and Prosperity9:00 am MST - Zoom Link in Event

Event Details

In this one-hour practice session via Zoom, the sangha will gather for one hour to coincide with the Nyingma Monlam world peace festival. We will offer Vajrasattva mantras, Chenrezig mantras, and the "King of Aspiration Prayers, Samantabhadra’s Prayers to Good Action.” We will dedicate the merit to the well-being of all, and pray for the long life and excellent health of our Lamas. We will also offer Vajrasattvas to connect with the midstream of His Holiness Dodrupchen Rinpoche who recently passed into parinirvana. The texts and mantras will be displayed on the screen.


February 8, 2022 9:00 am - 10:00 am(GMT-07:00)


On-Line Via Zoom

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