A Weekend Retreat with Brendan Kennedy - NEW DATE

16sep(sep 16)7:00 pm18(sep 18)4:00 pmA Weekend Retreat with Brendan Kennedy - NEW DATE

Event Details

Good News! PMC has received word from Brendan Kennedy that he would like to reschedule the July program for September 16-18, 2022.

Please plan to attend our rescheduled dates of Friday, September 16 - Sunday, September 18, 2022, either in person at PMC or online via zoom.

The opening session is Friday evening September 16 at 7 pm MST. Saturday and Sunday will offer two sessions each day from 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm.

If you registered for the July dates and are unable to join us in September, and would like a refund of your registration donation, please email Genevieve Lamancusa at  treasurer@pmctr.org.  Otherwise, we will carry over your registration to the new dates.


Previous Message:

PMC is delighted to announce Brendan Kennedy will teach via Zoom live stream on the last weekend of July 2022. The opening session is Friday evening July 29 at 7 pm MST. Saturday and Sunday will offer two sessions each day from 10 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm.

Nothing Is Separate from Mind We suffer because we’re not who we really are. We’re being something that we really are not. We are not being the mind itself. Instead, we’re being what the mind perceives, feels, and experiences because we don’t recognize that objects are not separate or different from mind itself. We can start to be who or what we really are by simply seeing that nothing is separate or different from mind. Because we’re lost in what the mind is being, we don’t recognize what the mind is. We are the mind, not what the mind is being. We’re deluded because we have not realized mind’s emptiness. This is why we perceive, feel, and experience the object as something which is separate or different from mind.

Brendan's teachings are suited to those who have cultivated a daily meditation practice and wish to deepen their experience of the practice. Through sitting together and sharing about our practice in an open forum, Brendan guides us to look at and transcend our habitual blocks to awareness and clarity and to give up preoccupation and distraction from who we truly are. This approach leads each person toward freedom from the trappings of ego.

Registration guidance: It is our aspiration that no one is turned away from our teachings and retreats because they are unable to pay the full cost. In order to make online retreats affordable for all who wish to attend, we are offering a three-level fee structure that takes into account people’s differing financial circumstances:

Benefactor – for those who can afford it, this fee level helps provide support for those with limited financial resources and assists with the care and maintenance of our center

Program – for those who can cover the basic cost of the program

Supported – for those with limited financial resources or recent financial hardship.

All registrants will receive links to the Zoom live sessions via email before the weekend of teachings.  Additionally, everyone will receive links to all of the recorded sessions for your review after the weekend. The amounts listed are suggestions.  Any amount offered above the Program level will be considered a tax-deductible donation and will be acknowledged as such.



September 16, 2022 7:00 pm - September 18, 2022 4:00 pm(GMT-07:00)


On-Line Via Zoom

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Rescheduled dates for Sept 16-18, 2022

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