The Profound Seven-line Prayer of Padmasambhava and Tsok Practice with H.E. Chhoje Tulku Rinpoche*

23jan8:00 am12:00 pmThe Profound Seven-line Prayer of Padmasambhava and Tsok Practice with H.E. Chhoje Tulku Rinpoche*

Event Details

*Please note: these teachings were originally scheduled for Sunday, January 17, but have been moved to Guru Rinpoche day, Saturday, January 23.

On Saturday, January 23, 2021, H.E. Chhoje Tulku Rinpoche will give a morning of teachings on the Seven-line Prayer of Padmasambhava beginning at 8:00 a.m. Mountain time. Following this teaching, we will offer Shower of Blessings tsok.

This prayer, pervasive and recognizable in all of Tibetan Buddhism, offers a swift method of connection with Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche. Because the depth of meaning in the prayer and its practice may not be readily understood, Rinpoche has generously offered to clarify the outer, inner, and secret meanings for us in two live, online teaching sessions.

Rinpoche will comment on how to approach and engage with this potent prayer and, most importantly, how to add it to our daily practice to access the profound guidance that Padmasambhava and his lineage have to offer us in this current time of degeneration.

The teachings will be streamed live online 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Mountain Time on Saturday, January 23, 2021.

After the teachings, we will offer the Shower of Blessings feast offering (Tib. tsok) for the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month which falls this year on Saturday, January 23. The tsok (feast offering) practice is offered to celebrate each tenth day, Guru Rinpoche Day, in every lunar month.

Each Guru Rinpoche day commemorates a particular episode from Padmasambhava's life as support to practitioners who wish to deepen their relationship with him, the buddha of our troubled age.

The twelfth month: "King Indrabhuti invites Guru Rinpoche to Orgyen, where he is proclaimed heir to the throne and marries the princess Bhasadhara. He is known as Guru Pema Gyalpo, 'Lotus-Prince Guru.'"

Excerpt extracted from Tibetan Astrology, in which Phillipe Cornu summarizes Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche's explanation of each month's tenth day. Read more here.

Please RSVP by clicking above or below if you intend to join us.

We will send out digital versions of the Shower of Blessings liturgy and the various introductory and dedication prayers to the email address you submit with your RSVP no later than one hour before the event. We will turn off the RSVP function at this point so we are able to get the information to those who responded.

It would also be good to procure at least the "essentials" for the feast offering (bread, cheese, meat, yogurt, and alcohol) and arrange the items in a pleasing way during the practice just like we do when we practice together at the center. You can also offer anything that looks and tastes pleasing to you!

If you would like to make a donation to support this practice at PMC, please donate online by visiting PMC's donation page, or send checks to "PMC" at PO Box 3734, Boulder, CO 80307 and email with your pledged donation amount no later than Thursday, January 21.

These teachings and practices are offered freely for the benefit of all beings. If you would like to make a donation in gratitude for the offerings and instructions, please click the button below to visit our donation page. 



January 23, 2021 8:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-07:00)


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