
Welcome to our bookstore!

The PMC bookstore offers the opportunity for community members to access the tools needed to accomplish their practice completely. From lineage- and practice-specific books and thankgha images which provide support for meditation practice, to prayer flags, incense, and white silk scarves used for offerings (Tib. katak), many ritual items are available for purchase.

Most of the items are sourced from Kathmandu, Nepal where suppliers are trained craftspeople who understand the intricacy of building a drum (Tib. damaru) or the forging of a bell and vajra (Tib. dorje) set. Other items come from McCleod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh, India where the main branch of the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute (Tib. Mentseekhang) has its home. Important lineage-specific practice books and texts are sourced from within the United States.

Revenue from the bookstore, both online and at the center, goes exclusively to support Padmasambhava Meditation Center and its programs. Thank you for your purchases, and we wish you fruitful practice!

Showing 1–16 of 83 results