PMC is happy to announce a new teaching series on a foundational and classic text: Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind, by Longchen Rabjam (b.1308 – d.1364).
The first book of his Trilogy of Rest, Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind, contains thirteen chapters of beautiful and evocative verse that present the most important teachings from both sutra and mantra perspectives for the Buddhist practitioner interested in pursuing the goal of liberation.
This introductory session will introduce this multi-year teaching, and students will begin by engaging the first four chapters of the text, which cover the four important “mind-turning” reflections: the freedoms and advantages of a human birth, impermanence, suffering, and karma.
Continuing sessions will be held on Tuesdays, June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27, 2021, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. and future teaching blocks are anticipated in late fall 2021, and early spring, 2022, and will be announced progressively.
Join us on Sunday June 20th at 9 am for this introductory discussion.